Activation Analysis

Neutron Activation Analysis, NAA

Activation analysis is a physical method used as analytical technique in which neutrons, gamma photons or other particles were captured by stable nuclide to produce a different, radioactive nuclide, which can be measured.

Neutron activation analysis is used in various fields such as archeology (archaeometry), soil science, environmental chemistry, geology but also the semiconductor industry (detecting impurities) etc.

Online available information resources on neutron activation analysis.


Current Articles
Lecture Notes, Tutorials
Special Information
Data and Databases

Current Articles

Instrumental Neutron Acivation Analysis
An introduction

Lecture Notes, Tutorials

Activation Analysis
Analytical applications of nuclear reactions - Format: PDF

Activation Table of the Elements
This table allows you to calculate the activation of a sample

Neutron Activation Analysis
Principles and methods - Format: PDF

Neutron Activation Analysis, NAA
... and the John F. Kennedy Assassination - Format: PDF

Neutron Activation Analysis, NAA
Fundamental concepts - Format: PDF

Neutron Activation Analysis, NAA
An introduction. University of Missouri-Columbia, USA

Neutron Activation Analysis, NAA
A description of the general principles of neutron activation analysis - Format: PDF

Neutron Activation Analysis, NAA
Lecture notes - Format: PDF

Radiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis
A presentation - Format: PDF

Isotope analysis and neutron activation techniques - Format: PDF

Special Information

Argon Dating
Neutron activation - 40Ar-39Ar dating

Environmental and Geological Applications
... of instrumental neutron activation analysis - Format: PDF

Silocon Single-crystal
Instrumental neutron activation analysis of an enriched 28Si single-crystal - Format: PDF

Data and Databases

Nuclear Data Services
of The International Atomic Energy Agency

Prompt Gamma-ray Neutron Activation Analysis. The database provides a variety of tables for all natural elements (from H to U) including the following data: isotopic composition, thermal radiative cross section (total and partial), Westcott g-factors, energy of the gamma rays (prompt and delayed), decay mode, half life and branching ratios. International Atomic Energy Agency

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Entries: 16

Last update 16.11.2016

Keywords: Activation Analysis, neutrons, chemical, technique

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