Chemical Equilibrium

The equilibrium of chemical reactions.

The equilibrium of a reaction mixture is characterized by the fact that at a certain temperature, the concentrations or the pressures of the reactants and products in a given ratio are constant (expressed by the equilibrium constant).

The theoretical analysis of chemical equilibria is the subject of thermodynamics. Chemical reactions that are far of a thermodynamic equilibrium, are, for example, the oscillating reactions.

Below you will find online available information resources on chemical equilibrium: tutorials, lecture notes, software etc.


General Information
Lecture Notes, Tutorials
Software and Programs

General Information

Chemical Equilibrium Definitions
Technical Tutorial

Chemical Equilibrium Examples I
Technical Tutorial

Chemical Equilibrium Examples II
Technical Tutorial

Chemical Equilibrium in the Gas Phase
This notes describe the characteristics of gaseous systems at equilibrium

Law of Mass Action
An introducation

Solubility Products
Chemical Equilibrium - Solubility Products. A Technical Tutorial

Thermodynamics of chemical equilibrium
All about entropy, free energy and why chemical reactions take place. Chem1

Lecture Notes, Tutorials

Chemical Equilibrium
Virtual simulation of a gaseous reaction. Davidson College - Format: JAVA

Chemical Equilibrium
The 'All About Chemical Equilibrium' site contains a set of textbook-like tutorials covering this important subject.. Chem1

Chemical Equilibrium
Lecture notes - Format: PDF

Chemical Equilibrium
Lecture notes - Format: PDF

Chemical Equilibrium
… focusing on acid-base systems - Format: PDF

Chemical Equilibrium
Reaction rates and chemical equilibrium - Format: PDF

Chemical Equilibrium
The concept of equlibrium and the equilibrium constant - Format: PDF

Chemical Equilibrium
Formulas - Format: PDF

Materials at Equilibrium
Lecture notes. MIT OpenCourseWare

Software and Programs

Chemical Equilibrium Calculator
The spreadsheet will calculate the chemical equilibrium state of an ideal gas mixture, subject to necessary constraints on two intrinsic variables

Equilibrium Calculations
Strategy for equilibrium calculations

A Chemical Equilibrium Program for Windows. Gaseq is intended primarily for gas phase calculations, although there is a limited facility for condensed phases such as soot.

Thermodynamics of (complicated) chemical reaction equilibria

... is a powerful and easy-to-use chemical equilibrium modeling system that can be used to perform calculations on low temperature (0-50oC), low to moderate ionic strength (<0.5 M) aqueous systems. Environmental Research Software

Related Books and Scientific Literature: Chemical Equilibrium

Book recommendation

Noel de Nevers

Physical and Chemical Equilibrium for Chemical Engineers

Physical and Chemical Equilibrium for Chemical Engineers provides a thorough introduction to the basic tools of chemical engineers–physical and chemical equilibrium. It is a book for second course thermodynamics students in chemical engineering. While traditional texts combine this topic with the first thermodynamics course, Physical and Chemical Equilibrium for Chemical Engineers gives chemical engineers the rigorous yet clear treatment more advanced students and chemical engineers require. Professor Noel de Nevers provides readers with a technically accurate and rigorous look at physical and chemical equilibrium–often called "solution thermodynamics." He presents the material in an accessible format that uses simple mathematics without sacrificing rigor. This book shows where "modern" terminology differs from "classic" terminology and covers different standard states, a common stumbling block for both students and professionals. Emphasis is placed on such up-to-date topics as aqueous solutions, electrolytes, and osmotic pressure, all of which play an important role in modern industrial processes and biotechnology.

John Wiley & Sons Inc.; 2002

Book recommendation

John Ross

Thermodynamics and Fluctuations far from Equilibrium

This book deals with the formulation of the thermodynamics of chemical and other systems far from equilibrium, including connections to fluctuations. It contains applications to non-equilibrium stationary states and approaches to such states, systems with multiple stationary states, stability and equi-stability conditions, reaction diffusion systems, transport properties, and electrochemical systems. The theoretical treatment is complemented by experimental results to substantiate the formulation. Dissipation and efficiency are analyzed in autonomous and externally forced reactions, including several biochemical systems.

Springer; 1 edition; 2008

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Last update 18.10.2016

Keywords: Chemical Equilibrium

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