Chemical Biology is a interdisciplinary scientific branch between chemistry and biology with intent to examin biological systems with chemical techniques and tools.
Online available information resources on chemical biology.
Content, Topics
Lecture Notes, Tutorials
Chemical Biology
Video: intro to chemical biology. UCI Open - [e]
What is Chemical Biology?
An Introduction. Duke University - [e]
ACS Chemical Biology
The journal publishes Spotlights of current research in chemical biology, Profiles of experts, Points of View, and Ahead of the Curve perspectives from up and coming faculty. American Chemical Society - [e]
BMC Chemical Biology
... is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in the application of chemistry to the investigation of biology and drug design. BioMed Central - [e]
... is a source for important primary and secondary information across the whole field of chemical biology, bio(in)organic chemistry, and biochemistry. Wiley - [e]
Chemical Biology
... is an exciting news service which draws together coverage from all RSC publications, providing an overview of the latest developments in chemical biology. RSC - [e]
Chemical Biology & Drug Design
CB&DD is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the advancement of innovative science, technology and medicine with a focus on the multidisciplinary fields of chemical biology and drug design. Wiley - [e]
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology
The Current Opinion journals were developed out of the recognition that it is increasingly difficult for specialists to keep up to date with the expanding volume of information published in their subject. Elsevier - [e]
Nature Chemical Biology
'Nature Chemical Biology' is a monthly research journal of science that that publishes original research in three formats (Brief Communications, Letters and Articles), as well as News and Views, reviews, perspectives, commentaries, book reviews, meeting reports, research highlights and editorials covering all research at the interface of chemistry and biology. Nature - [e]
Research facilities and departments
Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology
A scientific department of Moscow State University - [e]
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Cornell University, USA - [e]
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Harvard University, USA - [e]
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
IICB - [e]
International Max Planck Research School in Chemical Biology
... offers an international postgraduate program in Chemical Biology leading to Ph.D./Dr. rer. nat. degree - [e]
Centre for Synthesis and Chemical Biology, CSCB. University College Dublin - [e]
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Rutgers University - [e]
Institute for Chemical Biology - [e]
Institute of Chemical Biology - [e]
Last update: 09.11.2022
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