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Classical Branches of Chemistry
The chemistry is traditionally divided into classical sections. In modern chemistry, these areas largely overlap. However, the individual sectors are teaching areas and treat the respective foundations of chemistry:
Further Branches of Chemistry
In addition to the classical classification of chemistry, there are a variety of other areas that deal with the chemical aspects of specific areas; these include:
Chemistry and Life
The life processes are closely linked to chemical reactions and transformations. But not only biochemistry deals with the chemical aspects of biology. Other topics cover the natural products, the transformation of inorganic and organic matter, the biophysical principles, etc.:
Chemicals and Compounds
A focus of chemistry are the substances, their properties and their reactions with each other. For the chemicals - as tradable and handleable materials - and the chemical compounds, there are the following overviews on Internetchemistry:
Medicine and Chemistry
In medicine, the chemical aspects of health and disease are also considered. In addition to the fundamentals of biochemistry and molecular medicine, this includes pharmacology and the influence of chemical substances on the organism.
Physics and Chemistry
Basically, chemistry deals with the properties, effects and behavior of the electrons of the outer electron orbitals of the atoms. In this sense, the atomic and molecular foundations are closely related to physics. In addition, there are a variety of physical principles, measurement methods, theoretical approaches, etc., which are used in chemistry - and vice versa ...
Environment and Chemistry
The ecosystems are also chemical systems on which artificial and natural influences act. But also among each other - especially at the interfaces - an exchange takes place. Chemistry differentiates between different areas, which are based on individual systems but also on the whole of the environment:
Last update: 15 November 2022
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