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Molecular Medicine, basics, information, research |
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Related Books and Scientific Literature: Molecular Medicine:

Marschall S. Runge, Cam Patterson
Principles of Molecular Medicine
This fully updated and expanded edition of the much-acclaimed Principles of Molecular Medicine provides an integrated survey of the basic principles of internal medicine, in light of recent dramatic discoveries in molecular medicine and new technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. In addition to fully revised sections on neurology, cardiology, hematology, nephrology, endocrinology, dermatology, immunology, gastroenterology, pulmonary disease, musculoskeletal medicine, and psychiatry, this volume contains new sections on genetics, oncology, metabolic diseases, and infectious diseases. These sections include the latest findings about direct links between genetic mutations and diseases, genomic approaches to a variety of diseases, and stem cell populations that regenerate muscle, heart, and neural cell populations. Other advances elucidated include the roles of bone morphogenetic proteins in pulmonary hypertension, mutations involved in an array of cardiomyopathies, and a new understanding of the biology of previously untreatable neurodegenerative diseases, such as Huntington's disease.
Humana Press; 2006

Alan Thornhill
Single Cell Diagnostics: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Medicine)
Single Cell Diagnostics: Methods and Protocols applies modern molecular diagnostic techniques to the analysis of single cells, small numbers of cells, or cell extracts. Emphasis is placed on non-invasive analysis of single cell metabolites and the direct analysis of RNA and DNA from single cells, with a focus on polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence in situ hybridization. The authors, all leading scientists in the field, provide current and innovative methods for extracting useful, accurate, and reliable data from single-cell samples. The stepwise, technically precise protocols presented in this volume thoroughly describe single-cell assays, from material collection and isolation of cells to data interpretation. Cell-types analyzed include embryonic blastomeres, fibroblasts, and lymphocytes. Among the techniques described are real-time quantitative PCR, isothermal whole genome amplification, comparative genomic hybridization, real-time genetic expression analysis, and the production of RNA and cDNA libraries. This handbook will be essential for researchers and clinicians, and practitioners providing care for couples seeking treatment for infertility or preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
Humana Press; 2007
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