
Chemistry and physics of the chemical element bohrium.

Bohrium (Unnilseptium; Eka-Rhenium) - chemical symbol Bh, atomic number 107, is a superheavy, synthetic chemical element (transition metal).

Online available information resources about the chemistry and physics of bohrium.


Information and data about the element
Atom, Orbitals, Radiochemistry
Group Elements - Information

Information and data about the element

Bohrium Chemistry
A schematic view of the apparatus for bohrium chemistry. CERN

Bohrium, Bh
Chemical and physical properties; comprehensive data. Environmental Chemistry, USA

Bohrium, Bh
Chemical and physical properties of Bohrium. Visual Elements, Chemsoc, UK

Bohrium, Bh
Chemical and physical properties of Bohrium. Webelements, UK

Electronic Structure and Volatility of Element 107 (Bh) Oxychloride
Article. University of Mainz - Format: PDF

Gas chemical investigation of Bohrium
Article. GSI - Format: PDF

Atom, Orbitals, Radiochemistry

Isotopes of Bohrium
All known isotopes of bohrium: overview, data and properties of the Bh nuclides.

Group Elements - Information

Heavy Elements Overview
A review on heavy and super heavy elements - Format: PDF

Ionization potentials of neutral and ionized species of elements 107 and 108
... from extended MCDF calculations. GSI - Format: PDF

Production of Transactinides
Isolation of nuclei of interest. Instrumentation and measurements - Format: PDF

Super Heavy Elements Network, SHE
This site is dedicated to sciences of superheavy elements. You may find here various information on physics and chemistry of transfermium (Z = 100) nuclei as well as news of the SHE community around the world

Superheavy Elements
Information, news ond more

The Creation of New Elements
Article. GSI

The Production of Super Heavy Elements
SHE - An educational slide show - Format: PDF

Prospects for the Study of Transactinides

What are transactinides, how do you make transactinides, how do you perform chemistry with single atoms?. University of Mainz

Volatilization properties
Volatilization behavior of transactinides from metal surfaces and melts. GSI - Format: PDF


Gesellschaft f�r Schwerionenforschung mbH

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
JINR has at present 18 Member States and is a world-known centre where the fundamental research (theoretical and experimental) is successfully integrated with the new technology work-out and application of the latest techniques and university education

Super Heavy Elements Network, SHE
This site is dedicated to sciences of superheavy elements. You may find here various information on physics and chemistry of transfermium (Z = 100) nuclei as well as news of the SHE community around the world

Related Books and Scientific Literature: Bohrium

Book recommendation

Duward Shriver, Mark Weller, Tina Overton et al.

Inorganic Chemistry

From the fundamentals to the frontiers of research, this classic text offers an introduction to inorganic chemistry no other book can match. The new edition is most modern and most student-friendly yet, covering both the theoretical and descriptive aspects of inorganic chemistry in presentation that includes helpful new study tools and, as always, a captivating focus on experimental methods, industrial applications, and cutting-edge topics.

W. H. Freeman; 2014

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Entries: 20

Update: 13.04.2016

Keywords: Chemistry, physics, properties, data, chemical, transuranium, element, compounds, Bohrium, Bh

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