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Manufacturers and suppliers of nephelometer, tyndallometer.


Nephelometry - also: tyndallometry - is an optical method for determining the solids content in cloudy dispersions such as suspensions, aerosols , fire gases, condensates, dust, smoke, mist etc. by means of scattered light and / or transmitted light measurement.

The corresponding measuring devices are called nephelometers and serve in this function, among other things, as aerosol monitors (aerosol photometer), dust monitors, particle monitors, scattered light laser photometers, fine dust measuring devices, etc.

A nephelometer measures the suspended particles using a light beam (source beam) and a light detector which - in relation to the sample - is arranged opposite the source beam (usually 90 °). The particle density is then a function of the light reflected from the particles. How much light is reflected at a certain particle density depends to a certain extent on their properties such as their shape, color and reflectivity. Another parameter that is recorded by a nephelometer is attenuation of the emitted light beam by the turbidity of the sample.

Nephelometers are calibrated to known particles and then use environmental factors (k-factors) to compensate for lighter or darker colored dusts accordingly. The K-factor is determined by the user by running the nephelometer next to an air sample pump and comparing the results. The unit of the turbidity measured by a calibrated nephelometer is NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit).

The so-called nephelometric turbidimeter work in a similar way, but only that Measure and evaluate light reflected by the particles. There are a variety of research grade nephelometers on the market as well as open source variants.

Below you will find a company directory with manufacturers and suppliers of nephelometers for use in laboratories, research and industry. Another source of supply is the laboratory trade.

Content, Topics

International Manufacturers and Suppliers

Open-source nephelometer
Open-source mobile water quality testing platform - [e]

ThermoFisher Scientific
Sensititre™ Nephelometer - [e]


BMG Labtech GmbH
Nephelometry-based detection can be performed on the NEPHELOstar Plus, the world’s only laser-based microplate nephelometer - [e, jp]

Integrating nephelometers: Analysis instruments for short or long-term measurements of the scattered light coefficient of atmospheric and laboratory aerosols. The devices are particularly suitable for measurements in the areas of climate, visibility and air quality - [d]

United States of America, USA

Turbidimetry and Nephelometry Test Systems - [e]

AirPhoton 3-wavelength Integrating Nephelometer measures the light scattered by particulate matter - [e]

American Ecotech
... is a leading supplier of nephelometers to the North American market - [e]

Hach Company
FilterTrak Laser Nephelometer - [e]

The Optec NGN-2a integrating nephelometer employs a unique open-air design that allows accurate measurement of the scattering coefficient (Bscat) of ambient air - [e]

TSI Incorporated
Integrating Nephelometers: analytical instruments useful for short-or long-term measurements of the light-scattering coefficient of atmospheric and laboratory aerosols - [e]


Last update: 28.09.2022

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