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Chemistry and chemicals in agriculture.


Agricultural Chemistry is the science of chemical compositions and changes involved in the production, protection, and use of crops and livestock.

The aim of agrochemistry is to control and understand the processes by which humans obtain food and fiber for them-selves and feed for their animals; that includes all the life processes through which food and fiber are obtained for humans and theirs animals, and control of these processes to increase yields, improve quality, and reduce costs.

Modern agrochemistry is a research and development branch of chemistry and at the same time a large-scale industrial production area. The scientific sub-discipline deals, among other things, with livestock animal health, pest control by pesticides, crop protection and fertilization, harmful plant reduction and chemical processes in agricultural and forestry soils (soil chemistry) to improve soil fertility.

Since the late 1980s, the agrochemical industry in Central Europe has been criticized for violating ecological and sustainability principles and causing damage to people and nature (e.g. through DDT) by promoting industrial agriculture and genetic engineering. Agricultural chemistry in its current form is often viewed as incompatible with sustainability and ecological agriculture, although the targeted and well-dosed use of modern agrochemicals can help to combat crop failures and thus world hunger. In addition, a radical departure from current practices is hardly realistic in the short term, also due to crop failures. On the other hand, the aim must be to develop concepts that avoid damage to people, nature and the environment.

The following directory contains information and sources of information on chemicals in agriculture as well as to those used in agriculture chemicals.

Content, Topics

Special Information

Agricultural Chemicals
A users manual: guidelines and principles for responsible agrucultural chemical use - Format: PDF

Agricultural Fertilizers
Nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus ... and their use. - Format: PDF

An overview of agrochemicals and their effects on environment in Nepal

Application Rates of Fertilizers
Fertilizer Types and Calculating Application Rates - Format: PDF

Chemical Fertiliser
... are compounds containing high concentration of nutrients required for plant growth

Lecture notes - Format: PDF

eBook: Ullmann's Agrochemicals. Wiley - Format: PDF

... and their use - Format: PDF

An overview - Format: PDF

Pesticide Use
The history of pesticide use. IUPAC


Safety and health in the use of agrochemicals: a guide - Format: PDF


Agricultural Research Magazine
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's science magazine, published monthly by the Agricultural Research Service and also available electronically. USDA

Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Now: Crop & Pasture Science. CSIRO

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
... was an international journal focusing on the publication of cutting-edge research relating to the production of food, fibre and pharmaceuticals from animals. Now: Animal Production Science. CSIRO

Australian Journal of Soil Research
... attracts an enthusiastic international authorship due to its breadth of scope and recognition of emerging issues in land care and environmental science. CSIRO

Cereal Chemistry
... is the premier international archival journal in cereal science. AACC International

Crop and Pasture Science
... is a highly cited and prestigious journal publishing original research on advances in plant sciences, sustainable farming systems, and food quality

Eurasian Soil Science
The journal publishes original papers on global and regional theoretical and experimental studies on the problems of genesis, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, fertility, management, conservation, and remediation of soils. Springer

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Chemistry and biochemistry of agriculture and food along with safety, composition and processing; including feeds, pesticides, veterinary drugs, plant growth regulators, fertilizers, and other agro-chemicals with their metabolism, toxicology, and environmental fate and the chemical processes involved in nutrition, phytonutrients, flavors, and aromas.. ACS

Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment
JACEN is an official journal published quarterly and publishes researches on all aspects dealing with chemical, biological, and physical processes affecting the environmental changes in agriculture



Last update: 07.10.2022

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