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Norway: scientific institutions, organisations, research


List of scientific institutions in Norway: universities, research and other academic institutions, government agencies, industry associations.

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[Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [HIS] [Min]


Scientific Universities

University of Agder. Engineering and Science

The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, UMB, is a leading international centre of knowledge, focused on higher education and research within environmental- and biosciences. UMB focuses specifically on biology, food, environment, land use and natural resource management

The University of Bergen is a research university with a high international profile that is committed to academic and research excellence. It emphasises basic research, research-based teaching and the development of academic disciplines

The Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (NVH) offers international master's programmes in Aquatic Medicine and Food Safety

University of Oslo. Medicine; Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Biotechnology

University of Stavanger. The Faculty of Science and Technology is in some areas within petroleum research among the world’s best. The research on increased oil recovery in carbonate fields is a case in point

University of Tromsø. Research in the fields of marine science, biomedicine, telemedicine, physics etc.

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, represents academic eminence in technology and the natural sciences as well as in other academic disciplines ranging from the social sciences, the arts, medicine, architecture to fine art

[Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [HIS] [Min]


National Research Institutions and Research Centers

Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Process Technology (IKP); Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Chemistry Department at the University of Oslo. Norway's largest institution for chemistry

Norwegian Institute for Air Research
NILU conducts environmental research with emphasis on the sources of airborne pollution, atmospheric transport, transformation and deposition and is also involved in the assessment of the effects of pollution on ecosystems, human health and materials

Norwegian Polar Institute
... is Norway's central institution for research, environmental monitoring and mapping of the polar regions

[Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [HIS] [Min]


Scientific Societies

Norwegian Biochemical Society, NBS
... aims to be a scientific and social forum for scientists and students of biology in Norway

Norwegian Chemical Society
The objective of the society is to promote the interest and understanding of chemistry and chemical technology with respect to teaching and research. The society also represents norwegian chemists international fora

Norwegian Chemometrics Society
The purpose of the group is to strengthen the chemometric role in teaching, research and industry

Research Council of Norway
The activities of the Research Council of Norway are based on our vision that research expands the boundaries of what we know, understand and can achieve

[Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [HIS] [Min]


Museum, Historical Institutions

Natural History Museum
Naturhistorisk museum

[Uni] [Inst] [Soc] [HIS] [Min]


Ministries and national authorities

Agriculture and Food
Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Ministry of the Environment

Norwegian Government
Information from the government and the norwegian ministries

Norwegian Industrial Property Office, NIPO
... is responsible for processing applications for patent protection, and for trademark and design registration

Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Ministry of Education and Research

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Norway: scientific institutions, organisations, research
Norway, chemistry, science, norwegian, universities, academic, scientific, research, institutions, organizations, industry
07.11.2010 00:00:00 [link check]
25.04.2011 [site update]

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